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How Can a Dirty Air Conditioning System Affect Your Health?

You know what can get pretty hairy, literally? Your AC system. Your air conditioning system can be seen kind of like a human that only needs a bath every once in a while. However, that bath or cleaning is vital to its function, efficiency, and helping it not to spread illness.

Like a child that comes home from daycare, it carries germs, bacteria, and all kinds of other invisible, illness-causing problems. We are going to talk about the real importance of keeping the lungs of your home clean--which is to keep your lungs happy! Keep reading for more information!

Getting Colds More Often?

“respiratoryinfections”Over a long period of time, your air ducts can become clogged with dander, (from humans and pets) dirt, debris, and sometimes even dead rodents.

If your ducts become clogged with any of these, they can harbor microbial growth like mold and bacteria.

When this happens, the blower of your HVAC unit will spread these spores which can irritate the lungs causing issues like bronchitis, chronic coughs, and sometimes complications like pneumonia can arise.

Allergies Aren’t Just Caused by The Season

“moreallergies”Even if you do not end up with a respiratory infection, you may still be spending time at the doctor’s office due to chronic allergies. Some people have no history of having allergies and their ductwork becomes dirty provoking them.

You will notice that taking medicine will help for a while, but it doesn’t ever solve the entire problem if your ducts are indeed the cause of it.

Similarly to the spread of the previously mentioned microbes, dust and dirt particles can irritate the lungs, nose, and eyes, making you feel like you live in a garden of pollen.

The Dangers of Asthma Attacks

“asthma”Asthma is often discovered in children after they have been running outside with high levels of irritants.

It can also start in adulthood due to polluted air, smoke, and contaminants floating around the air of your home. This means that not only can a dirty air conditioning system make asthma worse, but it can also actually cause it!

Unfortunately, asthma cannot be cured without medication, and sometimes this medication must be used for life.

What You Can Do

Changing your air filters regularly is the best option for keeping your air conditioning system clean. This will also allow it to run efficiently, saving you money. Air filters should be changed approximately every 60 days, but more often if needed.

In addition to this, you can opt to have your air ducts cleaned every 3-5 years, depending on the number of people and pets in your home, as well as the outside pollution factors. Consider having a yearly check-up for your AC to make sure that vents aren’t being blocked and rodents or pests have not made a home in your airways.

If you’ve learned a thing or two about the importance of keeping your air conditioning system clean, share the wealth of knowledge with your friends. Call Atlantic Heating & Air Conditioning for all your HVAC cleaning and maintenance needs!