Boston Furnace Installation & Replacement Services

Do you need expert Boston furnace installation and replacement service? Call our sales department today at (617) 566-6990 to receive a free estimate on a new or replacement system. We will send someone out to assess your situation and offer a timely solution.

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It’s easy to take your furnace for granted when it is producing the heat you want, but if it ever stops during a cold winter night, you might be left panicked and scrambling to find an answer. Just because there is no furnace emergency happening at the moment doesn’t mean you can’t find a reliable heating expert to use if your heating system ever does shut down. Searching this way allows you to take your time and you’ll know exactly what to do if trouble does happen out of the blue.

Download The Lennox Furnace Guide

When Should I Have My Furnace Replaced?

Saying you should have your furnace replaced every 15 or 20 years doesn’t paint the clearest picture of the situation. It’s true, a properly installed heating system can last for up to 20 years, but you have to take care of it during that time. Sometimes, as a furnace gets older the repairs start to add up and the cost of repairs doesn’t justify keeping the old system around. There may also be newer, more energy efficient furnaces available that will save money when compared to the older one. The key is to align yourself with a trusted heating expert and then follow their advice on when the best time is to switch your old furnace for a new one.

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Longer Furnace Life with Yearly Maintenance

One way to help your furnace reach that 20-year mark is to keep it in good condition with regular maintenance checks. If you have maintenance performed on your furnace every year, it will stay clean and won’t build up dirt and grime with each passing year. The longer it goes between maintenance visits, the less efficient it will be and the higher your heating bills will be. Having a quality maintenance inspection and cleaning is like resetting your furnace back to zero every year. It’s not going to last forever, but it will last longer and you’ll encounter fewer repairs and problems along the way.

If your furnace is nearing the end of its life cycle, or has already stopped working on you, call Atlantic Heating & Air Conditioning today at (617) 566-6990 in the Boston, MA area and we will send one of our heating experts to give you the answers you need.